

  • Mother:Honey,you always chatting online so late into the night? Don't you know waht time is it now?

    Daughter:er..yeah,mom,er,I mean I will go to sleep soon.

    M: You always promising but doing nothing,I'm so fed up!

    D:Okay,okay,I'll go to sleep right now.

    M:I know you are gradually growing up,many things you can deal with by yourself,but I hope you keep a healthy state and don't put your parents into worry.

    D:I know mum,there's something wrong with my life but I can't tell you,I'm really afraid.

    M:That's foolish,I'm your mother,no matter what mistakes you have made I will help you out,you should believe me. Can you share your trouble with me?

    D:I'm terriblly sorry mom,I really don't know where to start.

    M:Come on,treat me as your best friend, and share your happiness and sorrow with me.I found you were so depressed these days,what difficult situation have you come across?

    D:If you know what happened on me, you will probablly kill me.

    M:What's the matter with you?Please tell me! If you tell me the fact right now, I will let bygones be bygones,and give you a hand!

    D:Really?but...OK..I fall in love with a boy,I love him very much.

    M:So waht?

    D:er..I find myself pregnanted recently and I'm so scared that I don't know what to do!

    M:Oh my god,you really want to piss me off.

    D:Don't be so angry mom, I know I have been doing wrong,but I will correct my mistakes,Will you give me a chance and forgive?

    M:Oh,there must be sth wrong,tell me that's not true!

    D:It is true.Mom,please help me,plese!

    M:Oh my god,what should I do?Plese tell me,please...