

  • Please keep the place clean and tidy.

    Don’t throw rubbish onto the ground.

    No smoking is allowed.

    Don’t use fire on the mountains.

    Don’t cut down the trees

    Don’t crave on the trees. Please be careful when you climb up and down the mountains. )

    题目要求为游客订出一些规章制度,内容包括:环境卫生保护、森林防火安全、乱涂乱刻(crave)、树木保护、人身安全等,可以按照中文翻译成英语,因为是规定,所以应该是祈使句,注意礼貌的表达用please,否定可以用Don’t或No+doing等,注意适当使用短语,如:keep …adj,cut down,be careful,和up and down the mountains.也要注意主动被动的灵活使用。