

  • Dear mom and Dad:

    How are you going recently?Everything goes well here, but I come across some problems which have been bothering me much, I need a computer.

    Firstly, almost everyone in my class owns at least one computer ,besides some of them have a tablet computer or smart phone such as ipad or iphone.I felt somehow estranged by them cause I don't have a computer.

    Secondly, some of our teachers obliged that we should hand in homework online to the school oline database,since computer is unavailable to me ,handing in homework has become a complicated task for me to carry out, and I have been criticised for several times for that.

    Finally, as many of our students know ,there are myraid resources online , I can not reach out for them unless I have access to the Internet. So I reall hope to have I computer.

    Although it's never rare phenomena that students being adddicted to online games, but I think the advantages much outweigh the disadvantages ,I really want to have a computer ,it will help me a lot!