Kindness is the best policy in our life.(英语作文,八十个字左右)


  • Kindness is the act or the state of being kind, being marked by good and charitable behavior, pleasant disposition, and concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and recognized as a value in many cultures and religions.

    Kindness is a very important part of living. There are many opportunities to practice kindness. Again, it is a choice that you need to make. Kindness affects you and it affects the other person. Many great things happen when you are kind. People respond favorably. It brightens a person's

    day. It uplifts and encourages. Sometimes an act of kindness can create such an impact that the person remembers the moment for the rest of his or her life. Kindness is not something that can necessarily be paid back. It doesn't take much to be kind. A smile, a gentle look, a gentle touch on the arm, a hug to let them know that you understand and you don't judge them. Saying it's "okay," or "things will get better," is all that they may need to hear. There are many ways to be kind to someone, from simple ways to very big and directed acts of kindness. One act of kindness can affect great changes.Practice random acts of kindness. Any one can be kind at any time. It doesn't take an extraordinary person. If you stay in the moment and really respond to what is happening, opportunities appear for you to be kind.

    So why don't you try a random act of kindness? I think you'll like how you feel, and you will like the results.