

  • Dear Sir,

    I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about your product and the service that I have received from your company.

    In the first place,I ordered two bottles of your company’s Young Look Beauty Oil on 14 January and was told that it would arrive within one week,but the fact is that it just arrived last week.In addition,your advertisement promised that your product would make your customer look ten years younger,but all my families and friends find that I even look ten years older than before due to your product.Moreover,according to your advertisement,the Young Look Beauty Oil contains only natural product,but when I read the ingredients I find it contains many chemicals such as sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide.

    Under these circumstances,I am very dissatisfied with your poor service.I would appreciate it if you could refund my money immediately.Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.

    Yours sincerely
