英语:Jenny与Li ming在饭店里


  • 服务员:Hello,may I help you?

    Liming:Ah,yes!what do you have?

    服务员:Do you like noodles?Our noodles are delicious~

    Jenny:Great!I like noodles very much!And,I also want some bread and eggs!

    Liming:We would better got some soup.I heard it's famous here~yes?

    服务员:Of course it is.I can recommend the fish and meat - it's the specialty of our house.

    Jenny:No,thanks,I have had a lot of meat and now I just want some noodles.

    服务员:It's OK.Er,do you want some fruit or soda water?

    Liming:Just give us some milk.Thanks any way!

    服务员:OK,please wait a monment~