中文口语化...应该是He goes to the park with his classmates.
"He goes to the park ,with classmates"这句话对吗?请注意里面有个逗号.
He goes to the park,with classmates,catch insects and puts t00
He goes to the park with his family00
The park is the place to which he is going.这句话对吗?00
He goes to the park.问句是.00
He goes to the park every week改为否定句00
He goes to school riding a bike这句对吗?00
He will goes to my school 这句话正确吗?原因?00
We took the bus to went to park.这句话语法和时态对吗?00
he often goes to the park with his friend 用last month 替换 oft00
tom with his mother goes to park.可以改为 tom goes to park with00