英语翻译我给了他忠告,而不是钱.(insterd of)我们中的一些人学习英语,其他人学习法语.(others)根据我们


  • I gave him some advice instead of money.

    Some of us study English, others study French.

    According to our records, the book you borrowed should be returned to the library.

    The result is basically satisfactory.

    China has more population than Japan.

    Either my father or my brother will come to my house.

    She went by without seeing me.

    Her health went worse, so she decided to go on a diet.

    This dictionary will enable you to understand new English words.

    I will stay will until the end of the concert.

    I did not go to the cinema since more a year ago.

    I wonder if you can lend your car to me.