求一篇英文演讲procedures presentation 8分钟


  • How to Be a Successful Student


    1 Learning How to Learn

    Memorize new information,rules and concepts - often tedious and boring.

    Assimilate and organize this information - often hard,but interesting.

    Use this information to analyze,synthesize and problem-solve - often difficult,but satisfying.

    Incorporate this information into evaluations,judgments and predictions - often powerful and exhilarating.

    2 How to Manage Time and Set Priorities

    Don't create impossible situations.

    Define priorities.

    Avoid distractions and lack of focus.

    3 How to Improve Reading Comprehension

    Improving Comprehension.

    Develop a broad background.

    Know the structure of paragraphs.

    Identify the type of reasoning.

    Anticipate and predict.

    Look for the method of organization.

    Create motivation and interest.

    Pay attention to supporting cues.

    Highlight,summarize and review.

    Build a good vocabulary.

    4 How to Identify your Best Learning Styles

    a.Know Thyself.

    I hear and I forget.

    I see and I remember.

    I do and I understand.

    b.What Are You Best At?

    Ideally,we are good with each learning style.However,what we do best can depend on our mood,the subject matter,our friends and the teacher.Our goal is to monitor our learning effectiveness and to adjust our learning styles for maximum advantage.

    (dose this help?)
