

  • 我想大家误解了 roast on the sand 的意思.

    现在我把 google 上查到的一些例句贴上来.

    1.Many are lured to Southeast Asia by its sun-kissed beaches where the sun-deprived can roast on the sand.

    2.Come earlier if you want to roast on the sand all day!

    3.my mom is paranoyd n wun let me go to the water D:..afraid i might drown..so i have to roast on the sand..i hate going to the beach

    4.It's a very nice beach,especially for those of us who really don't like to roast on the sand.

    5.Wished i had more down time to roast on the sand

    6.No $8 fee to roast on the sand.(Though we do have fabulous state beaches here on Long Island and the water is great.)

    7.In some of the offices ,you can actually look out the window and see the waves crashing on the sand while the tourists roast on the sand and the locals play basketball and beach volleyball .

    原来 roast on the sand 的意思就是“做沙滩日光浴”(把自己埋在沙子里烘烤).


    前面的 the sun-deprived 是指“没有晒够太阳的人们”.