跪求以“男人与女人的区别”为主题的英文材料 以对话形式为主,谢谢大虾大仙


  • A:what is different between man and moman?

    B:Oh!it is very complicated,generally,physiology and natural

    instinct can distinguish the man from woman.

    A:eh!I am confusing,what is the physiology and how to explain the natural instinct.

    B:physiology teaches us the construction of the human body,well,there is a little bit different between man and woman in it.The most important is woman can be pregnant which man is negtive.

    B:I see.But how about natural instinct.

    A:Well,man usually like intense activity,such as football,basket ball.but woman is different basically,they are more likely to play those mild games,such as tennis and hide and seek.This is an exemple for their difference.

    B:thank you for your warm-hearted explaination

    A:My pleasure.
