1)Nowadays,our living style has changed greatly because of m


  • (Modern technology: convenience or problem )

    The dawn of the new century has witnessed an increasing popularity over modern technology. While people have utilized technology to improve their conditions and also as a means to control and harm others, I believe that technology has allowed and continue to allow mankind to solve our most serious problems and thus make the world a better place to live.

    Technology has aided us in the fight against the two most serious threats to human life, hunger and disease. With the help of technology we have save millions of lives by cures and treatments for diseases that used to be considered fatal. Similarly, technology has made a contribution to the area of food production and may one day allow us to stamp out hunger all over the world. The development of telecommunication and technology tools has made us convenient to obtain the first hand information. However, while the development of technology might have contributed to contemporary problems, such as a young child searching obscene films and pictures from internet. Thus could hinder their emotional and spiritual development for future growth.

    As a proverb goes that every coin has two sides. But I firmly believe that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. It is the modern technology that made us convenient. So the further development of modern technology is inevitable to us.