

  • Marie Curie (1867-1934) is the world famous women scientists,twice won the Nobel Prize,together with her husband discovered the radioactive element radium.

    Mary at the Sorbonne met another lecturer,Pierre Curie and her husband later.Two of them often radioactive material research,together with tons of industrial waste,because the total radioactive ores than its of radioactive uranium.In 1898,the curies on this phenomenon,put forward a logical inference:uraninite stone must contain some unknown radiation components,its radioactive far outweigh the radioactivity of uranium.On December 26,Madame Curie announced the new idea of material existence.

    After this a few years,the curies constantly refining asphalt radioactive elements in uranium ore.Through unremitting efforts,they finally succeeded in separating out the radium chloride and found two new chemical elements,polonium