英语翻译Mosques are full of worshippersin rows straight and neat


  • 可翻译为:Mosques are full of worshippers 清真寺内人满满in rows straight and neat 行行直直真整齐

    Their Lord they remember,His name they repeat 所记得重复念叨之上苍名

    Their hands are raised to the sky 手举向天空盼虔诚

    They supplicate and plead 祈祷平安一次次

    On this blessed day 于此神圣之日里

    Forgive us they entreat 祈祷上苍盼原谅

    Let us rejoice indeed 一起欢呼一起喝彩

    For this is the day of Eid 只为艾德之日里

    People are giving charity 人们虔诚于慈善机构

    And helping those in need 帮助需要帮的人

    In giving they’re competing 给予中比赛(谁捐得多,谁少)

    Today there is no greed 此日贪婪之心已不存

    Enemies embracing each other 无边无界相拥抱

    All hatred is buried 一切渊源已化解

    Everyone is celebrating 皆在庆祝

    Greeting everyone they meet于所见之人问候中