

  • It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon. The Johnson family is having a quiet time to themselves. The father is reading a newspaper on the couch, the mother is watching television, and the son is outside playing soccer.

    Suddenly, the tranquility was interrupted as the son came running into the house with a black eye, shouting, “Dad, Billy hit me!”

    “What?” said the father, outraged. He immediately rushed outside to confront the troublemaker. “I’ll teach Billy a lesson!”

    Meanwhile, Billy felt very smug about hitting his friend. It was a sucker-punch, and it felt good. When he saw the father running towards him. He did not know what was going to happen and he was not going to stick around long enough to find out.

    The father, however, has not run more than ten yards before he tripped on a tree root and fell flat on his face. Dirty and humiliated, the father returned to the house with a black eye, just like his son.