英语短文查错~help!I still remember this sentence.And I'm trying my


  • I still remember this sentence,and I'm trying my best to go forward IN that direction.

    The (XXforwardXX) road AHEAD must have a lot of the difficultIES and meet with many setback.However,if CAN WE stop (XXour stepXX)?We can't!

    So even though we meet a lot setback which will (XXXmake usXXX) disheartened very much,we should not give up,set your jaw,(XXforgetXX) FORGE ahead.(XXStrenghtXX) STRENGTH is in your struggling to the goal.

    Sunshine always comes after THE rain,If you dont experience the storm first,how can we feel the warmth of the sunshine .

    Now will not be future,failing once does not mean failure forever,SuCceeding once does not mean you will never fail.

    "Never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat" ,this is what we should remember!

    From now on,let's control the time properly to acheive!

    Everybody,please believe in your ability,Let's do it together!
