

  • This is my classroom.这是我的教室

    It's very large,bright and clean.它很大,很明亮又干净

    There are many chairs and desks in it.教室里有许多椅子和课桌

    There is a blackboard in the front.前面有一个黑板

    There is a TV set near the teacher's desk.在老师的课桌旁有一台电视

    There are two doors in the classroom.教室里有两扇门

    Some pictures are on the walls.一些图画在墙上

    They are about our studies and hobbies.它们是关于我们的学习和爱好的

    There are three lights on the roof.棚顶有三盏灯

    There are three windows in the wall.墙上有三扇窗户

    I stay with my teachers and classmates in it every day.每天我和我的老师和同学呆在一起

    I love my classroom.我爱我的教室

    I love my class.我爱我的班级