5.I became of where I was and what I was doing,so I quickly


  • 5.I became CONSCIOUS of where I was and what I was doing,so I quickly stood up and dried my eyes.

    (Suggested first letter(s):con )

    6.INTRODUCTIONS are unnecessary since you all know each other.

    (Suggested first letter(s):In )

    7.I became ABSORBED in what the teacher was saying and did not hear the bell ring.

    (Suggested first letter(s):ab )

    8.This is a huge and difficult project and if you take it up,you are likely to ENCOUNTER many difficulties.

    (Suggested first letter(s):en )

    9.The number of usable questionnaires received from each country RANGES from zero to fifteen.

    (Suggested first letter(s):r )

    10.The next chapter will FOCUS on this problem in greater detail.

    (Suggested first letter(s):fo )

    11.We are often attracted to another person by their PHYSICAL appearance and sometimes by their ideas,opinions,and goals.

    (Suggested first letter(s):ph )

    12.Once you are relaxed,FOCUS your attention on the music and see what images come into your mind.

    (Suggested first letter(s):fo )

    13.Have you kept in CONTACT with any of your friends from college?

    (Suggested first letter(s):co )

    14.In their letter,they expressed their COMMON hope that they'd like to make with other schools in the area.

    (Suggested first letter(s):co )

    15.Gail was lying RELAXED in the sun looking very and happy.

    (Suggested first letter(s):re )

    16.It is ESTIMATED that about a third of the population of Germany died in the struggle.

    (Suggested first letter(s):es )

    17.She worked hard and was soon PROMOTED to general sales and marketing manager.

    (Suggested first letter(s):pro )

    18.These people are working hard to promote the STATUS of women in the hope that they will have equal rights with men in society.

    (Suggested first letter(s):st )

    19.To my surprise,his first play was an INEVITABLE success.

    (Suggested first letter(s):in )

    20.I've searched for my hat,but there's no SIGN of it anywhere.

    (Suggested first letter(s):s )