

  • 1. vs. versus, turn against, usually denotes two opposing teams or persons对,对抗(常指对立的双方或个人)

    2. p.a. per annum, through each year, referring to an item such as a tax or a benefit which occurs each year 每年,整一年(指每年的税收或收益)

    3. mega culpa, my fault, my blame, said to express that one takes the blame for a misstate 我的过错(表达对自己的错失或感到羞愧)

    4. p.s. post scriptum, after the writing, added on a letter after the formal closing 附言,又及(信件正式结尾后附加的字句)

    5. vice versa, turns against, the other side which turns, usually denotes the other side of a question or idea 反之亦然(常指某一问题或观点的另一面)

    1. A.D. anno domini, the year of the Lord, traditionally, dating from the beginning of the Christian Era 公元(习惯上自耶稣降生之年起计)

    2. a.m. ante meridiem, before the middle, a time indicator meaning before the midday hour of 12:00 noon. 午前,上午(中午12点之前的时间)

    3. bon voyage, good trip, a parting expressing said to a traveler 一帆风顺,一路平安(对旅行者道别所言)

    4. cf. confer, compare or bring together, used to indicate to the reader other information, found elsewhere in a reference work, which will add further knowledge on a certain subject 参看,试比较(用于指示读者参考在书中别处出现的其他资料,以增加某一学科的知识)5. e.g. exempli gratia, for the sake of an example, 例如,举例,作为例子

    1. vs. versus, turn against, usually denotes two opposing teams or persons对,对抗(常指对立的双方或个人)2. p.a. per annum, through each year, referring to an item such as a tax or a benefit which occurs each year 每年,整一年(指每年的税收或收益)

    3. mega culpa, my fault, my blame, said to express that one takes the blame for a misstate 我的过错(表达对自己的错失或感到羞愧)

    4. p.s. post scriptum, after the writing, added on a letter after the formal closing 附言,又及(信件正式结尾后附加的字句)