书面表达 假如你是一名正在澳大利亚学习的交换生.请根据下列提示写一篇80词的发言稿.向同学介绍汉语.


  • Boys and girls,

    Nice to meet you! Today I'm very pleased to introduce to you my mother language, Chinese.

    As we all know, Chinese has the most speakers all over the world, because China has the largest population in the world. What's more, it is also one of the official laguages of the United Nations.

    The reason why Chinese is so widely used lies in its standard written style, and we also have our formal spoken Chinese known to others as PuTongHua.

    Apart from all these, Chinese has many other advantages. That's why more and more people all over the world are beginning to learn to speak Chinese. And I think that is also a proof of our country's development. As a Chinese, I'm proud of my country!

    That's all I want to say. By the way, if you want to learn Chinese, I'm glad to help you! Thank you very much for your listening!