Let The Earth Smile 作文


  • 又一篇英文!The earth is the only planet where people could live on! It concerns much about our life whether environment of the planet good or not.Nowadays, the earth is crying, because people don’t cherish the environment. Don’t belittle a drop of water, a piece of paper, once electricity. after times 6 billon, what a large amount it would be!! If all the people could pick up a piece of wasted paper, save a drop of water, so the drops will form a river, and scrap will become a hill.Wake up! My friends! There is only one place to live, it is the earth! She is our beautiful homeland we have been relying on, once destroyed, there won’t be another.So, protect the earth, and this is our responsibility.Do not destroy the grassland, do not pollute the air, do not dirty the river.Let’s come and do it together! Protect the environment, save the resource, I want see the flower blooming, the trees staying green. I want breathe the fresh air, swim in the clean river. Make the earth staying young! Make the earth smile!Protect the environment.That’s my time to shine!