1) 虚构的情景the scene in the moon
2)是真实的还是虚构的to be real or fictive
3)被感染(疾病)to be infected
4)洗个澡take a bath
5)把……传染给……to infect to
6)医学研究Research of medicine science
7)艾滋病病毒 AIDS virus
8)患艾滋病suffer from AIDS
9)对……的态度 attitude towards
1) 虚构的情景the scene in the moon
2)是真实的还是虚构的to be real or fictive
3)被感染(疾病)to be infected
4)洗个澡take a bath
5)把……传染给……to infect to
6)医学研究Research of medicine science
7)艾滋病病毒 AIDS virus
8)患艾滋病suffer from AIDS
9)对……的态度 attitude towards