

  • 1.The monsoon of this year is more early than other years.

    2.The police set out to hunt the criminal immediately,after the bank was robbed.

    3.The last bus has set out before 10 minutes,when he arrived the Bus station.(一般长途车站也用bus station)

    4.You couldn't improve your reading speed,if you always look up the new words in the dictionary when you reading.

    5.The people which live in remote area are very happy when they watch movie for the first time.

    6.They all say that he looks like his father.

    7.The boat is caught in a heavy storm,and the most important the boat was broken in the bottom.

    8.She is very tired,both due to the weary trip and hot weather.

    9.The book which you want has been sold out,but we are preparing for it.

    10.I has heard that he will protect you sveral times.