go home,come backhome,home的用法
如果是其他词性也要用介词,比如at home里面home是名词
go home 都是说的,go home get home come here副词前不能用加 介词,除了是 固定习惯用法
come home与go home意思相同吗
go home.never come back..
go for wool and come home shorn
i do not go home until mum comes back 与 i will not go home u
come home还是come to home
hurry home短语中,用不用加go?hurry go home
go home ,go back home,back tou home,go back to home 有什么区别,最好
come home from work and and come home from school
当home作名词时为什么不可以用let's go to home?用let's go to the home