英语句型转换1.The race was exciting.否定句:________________一般疑问句:____


  • 以下是回答:)

    1、否定句:The race was not exciting ;一般疑问句:Was the race exciting 肯定回答:Yes,it was .否定回答:No,it wasn‘t .对划线部分提问:How was the race

    2、否定句:All the students were not very excited ;一般疑问句:Were all the students excited 肯定回答:Yes,they were .否定回答:No,they were not .对划线部分提问:Who were very excited

    3、否定句:The coins were not in his pocket ;一般疑问句:Were the coins in his pocket 肯定回答:Yes,they were .否定回答:No,they were not .对划线部分提问:Where were the coins

    总结变化规则:(有be动词的陈述句),变为否定句直接在be动词后加not ;变为一般疑问句直接将be动词提前,首字母大写,且句末加问号;变为肯定句肯定的是yes,人称代词主格+be动词,否定是no,主格+be动词的否定;对划线部分提问一般就是要改为特殊疑问句,若是提问时间就用when,地点用where,方式用how,原因用why等等.