【英语填空题】The two girls are such()(beauty)that he was attracted


  • The two girls are such (beauties,美人,复数)that he was attracted by them.

    Whenever the teachers ask him a question,he (replies,回答,三单形式)to it quickly.

    When I heard his (disappointed,失望的)voice,I knew our team had lost the game.

    Please give my (regards,问候,复数)to your parents.

    It is natural for him (to tell,不定式)the teacher about.I can understand him.

    Her voice is not (gentle,温柔的,形容词).

    He promised (to come,答应做,不定式) to school on time next time.【多了一个come】

    I regret (knocking,后悔已做)off the flower pot from my high-rise flat.

    My car broke down,so I need to have it (repaired,请人修理)at once.

    The best time (to eat,不定式做定语)oysters is from April to October.