

  • 哥伦布的相关英文介绍,(长短自己调整)可以参考下:

    Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa of Italy.His father was a wool merchant.When he was 26 years old,he became to make merchant voyages.The farthest countries he reached were Iceland and Guinea.

    At that time,many European countries became stronger and stronger.Their ships reached Africa and Asia.They got gold,silver,silk,tea and other things from the orient.Columbus wanted to make another way to China and India.

    On August 2,1492,Columbus left Spain and began his first voyage.He had three ships.After two months’ hard sailing,on October 12,they got to an island in the Bahamas.On October 29,they reached Cuba.But a few days later,one of his ships left them.And on December25,his flagship sunk.Fortunately,the ship that left them rejoined him again.They went back to Lisbon on March 4,1943.

    Although they didn’t get to rich orient countries and look back wealth,they found a new place that nobody had gone to.Columbus thought it was India and called the islands the West Indias.

    From 1493 to 1504,he sailed to America three times.He reached most of the coast of southern America and set up many colonies.

    On May 20,1506,Columbus died because of disease.