几道英语问题1.Asked by one of my students the other day _____he sh


  • 1 what 引导宾语从句并在从句中做do 的宾语.that在宾语从句中不做成分只起连接作用

    what i should do to ...

    2 2.A boy called Christian(, who was short and thin and wore a pair of glass, )coming to my class when I was in my ninth grade.

    把句子中间的非限制性定语从句去掉,看主句,a boy 是主语,called ...是定语 ,即就是一个名叫...的男孩 ,因此谓语根据事态需要动词过去式came , A boy called...came to my class ...

    3 asked改成asking 表示note 的内容 要用主动模式doing

    a notice saying...

    a letter inviting .

    a watch saying ...

    4 share sth with sb with each other

    5.The school is the place for learning