Then I rode to school as __________ as I could.


  • quick 是形容词,有时也可作副词,同quickly.表示快、迅速.主要指动作、运动等在较短的时间内突然发生,并在很短的时间内完成,具有即刻行动,毫不耽搁之意义.因此含有敏捷轻松之意,而不用于表示运动中的快速度.

    e.g.He gave a quick answer to the question.他迅速地回答了问题.

    e.g.He quickly got up and went on running.他迅速爬起来,继续跑.

    e.g.He is quick at learning languages.

    e.g.I ate a quick breakfast and rushed off to work.

    fast 既可作副词也可作形容词,使用范围广,指行动迅速、动作敏捷,也指车辆等的运速快.常用于修饰运动中的人或物,强调其行进或飞行的速度快,或动作迅速.

    e.g.He ran fast.他跑得很快.

    e.g.The show began soon after the dinner.表演在晚餐后很快就开始了.

    e.g.She is reading too fast for me to follow.

    e.g.He was going by fast train.

    e.g.The fast typist can type a book in two days.那个打字迅速的打字员两天内就可以打一本书.


    Among other(all the) reasons,the quick(fast比较好,quick一般不形容发展的) development of the internet should be an essential one,which makes all our dreams of attending class in the distance come true.
