Diego Maradona acknowledged(承认) that he struck the ball with


  • 小题1:A





    1.从文章第一段可看出a report of some newspaper. 选A

    2.从“In 1991, Maradona failed a drug test and was banned for 15 months. Nine years later, FiFA chose him and Pele as the best players in soccer history.”看出答案1991+9

    3.从“ Maradona said he quickly realized the line referee(裁判) had allowed the goal but none of themselves were figuring the goal would be effective.”翻译为“但是没有人认为这个球是有效的。”可看出与B一致。

    4.从“Maradona appeared to hit the ball with his hand into the net, and officials allowed the goal to stand despite protests by the English team. ”可看出A 是错误的,所以答案为A

    5.从“ “I told them, ‘Come and hug me or the referee isn’t going to allow it.’””可看出答案。