英语翻译SundayWe have just arrived at the hotel.We are unpacking


  • Sunday


    We have just arrived at the hotel. We are unpacking our bags and we will go to the park

    this morning. We are going to have a picnic in the park and eat sandwiches. After that picnic, we will go swimming and play volleyball and then have lunch at the hotel. In the afternoon, we will go for a walk and maybe sing songs in the evening. On Tuesday, we are going to play volleyball on the beach and then go hiking. Then we get back from hiking, we will pack, go to the train station, and go home. This is our first day very excited, I think we will have a great time.




    Yesterday, we went swimming and played volleyball in the morning. We had lunch at our hotel and then went for a walk and sang songs in the evening. On Sunday, our first day here, we arrived at the hotel and unpacked. We went to the park and had a picnic and ate sandwiches. After the picnic, we were tired and went back to the hotel and watched a film on TV. We played volleyball on the beach just now. we will go hiking today and then pack and go to the station. We are having a great time, but it will be nice to get back home.
