What are the differences between similar to\be familiar to\b


  • 1.be similar to means that there are the same features between things or people...or they have something in common. When using this phrase,you can use both human and thing as the suject and the object.

    2.be familiar to means that you(or the suject) can recognize something or someone easily or know them well.But remember...this phrase has a passive meaning.means that you can use human or thing as the suject ...but the object only can be human...because the suject here is the action stander.

    3.be familiar with' s meaning is similar to be familiar to ...but the gramma is different...you can only use human as the suject ..but you can use human or thing as the object...just is the opposite to "be familiar to"

    here is an example:

    Mike is familar with the book .(=Mike knows the book well,but you will never say the book is familiar with Mike ..because the book is dead.)

    The book is familiar to Mike.(=Mike knows the book well.)

    and there is no "be similar with"

    Now you've got it ? sorry maybe I can't make the exact meaning,it just my way to distinguish them...hope I can help you..by the way ..I love you way questioning~