I don't like hot dogs.It isn't the teache's office.
I like hot dogs 和 It's the teacher's office改为否定句
It's the teacher's office.改为否定句00
小学英语改句型改为否定句I like the programme.It's very ingeresing.改为一般疑问00
I think it's Gary's改为否定句00
They like the dog改为否定句?00
it's south of the post office.变否定句00
I,m a new student here.Where,s the teacher,s office?sure.It,00
I d like some hot dogs .Let s go to ____________.I d like so00
I think it's an exciting movies.(改为否定句)00
These shoes are Helen's(改为同义句) Listen to the teacher(改为否定句)00
She order two hot dogs.改为否定句是什么00