Regardless of your intelligence level,it takes time to develop and sharpen the skills and qualities needed to be a good university student if you find yourself struggling academically.You might not realize it,but you could already possess the qualities a good student needs to succeed.By assessing your study habits and personal characteristics,you can work on becoming a good student
For me,a good university student should have at least three personal qualities:
1.Time Management Skills
Between attending class,participating in extracurricular activities and completing homework assignments,students lead hectic lives.Managing your time well helps you to stay on top of your work and to succeed as a student.If you've been assigned a heavy load of homework,use lunch hours and breaks to complete your assignments.Limit distractions by working in a quiet area such as a library,coffee shop or home office.Call a study partner when you need help,and take regular breaks to help you focus and stay on track.
2.Listening Skills
Developing listening skills will assist you in becoming a good student.But it's not as easy as simply listening to the lecture or the lesson plan being presented.Concentrate on the subject matter,not how it is delivered to the class.Limit distractions by turning off all your electronic devices and moving to a quiet area in the lecture hall or classroom.If you find yourself not paying attention,stay on track by taking notes and developing questions to ask your instructor after class.
3.Leadership and Teamwork
As a student,you will likely be paired with other students to complete a group assignment.Working with others can be challenging.Even if you are reluctant to fill the role,a group requires a leader.Delegate tasks and split the workload among group members equally and fairly.With collaboration among group members,develop a time line when tasks and assignments must be completed.If conflicts arise,listen to what everyone has to say before taking action.
4.Leading a Healthy Lifestyle
Investing in yourself is a quality a good student should have.Leading a healthy lifestyle is a major building block in becoming a successful student.It's crucial that you get enough sleep.It is recommended that school-aged children get 10 to 11 hours of sleep per night.To prepare for sleep,turn off all personal electronic devices,such as cellphones and computers,a couple of hours before going to bed.In the morning,eat a healthy breakfast that includes protein,fruits,vegetables and grains.