

  • You look wonderful tonight,my sweet heart .亲爱的,你今晚真美.

    Darling,you know that I can't stop loving you.你知道我不能停止爱你.(直译=..=)

    You are the apple of my eye.你是我的掌上明珠,心中挚爱.

    I love you,say no more.爱你,一切尽在不言中.

    Where there is life with you here,there is hope.有你就有生活的希望/你是我生活的全部.

    I love gazing into your eyes.我喜欢凝视你的双眸.

    You look stunning/great/fabulous.你看上去美极了!

    Meeting you was fate.能遇到你是命中注定.

    Love you forever.爱你到永恒.