

  • Dim day, year, month, ddate, ttime As String

    Dim alf(0 To 11)

    Dim rr

    Dim nhourlen, nminlen, nseclen As Integer

    Const pi = 3.14159265358979

    Private Sub Form_Load()

    Timer1.Interval = 1000

    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

    rr = pictime.Height / 2

    ddate = Format(Now, "mm:dd:yy")

    ttime = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss")

    month = Left(ddate, 2)

    day = Mid(ddate, 4, 2)

    year = Right(ddate, 2)

    hh = Left(ttime, 2)

    mm = Mid(ttime, 4, 2)

    ss = Right(ttime, 2)

    txtyear.Text = "20" & year

    txtmth.Text = month

    txtday.Text = day

    lbltime.Caption = Time

    nwidth = pictime.Width - 40

    nhourlen = nwidth * 4 / 18

    nminlen = nwidth * 6 / 18

    nseclen = nwidth * 8 / 18

    alfsec = ((ss - 15) / 30) * pi

    alfmin = ((mm + ss / 60 - 15) / 30) * pi

    alfhour = ((hh + mm / 60 + ss / 3600 - 15) / 6) * pi


    For i = 0 To 11

    alf(i) = i * 30 * pi / 180

    pictime.DrawWidth = 1

    If i = 0 Or i = 3 Or i = 6 Or i = 9 Then

    pictime.DrawWidth = 3

    End If

    pictime.Line (rr + (rr - 100) * Cos(alf(i)), rr + (rr - 100) * Sin(alf(i)))-(rr + (rr - 300) * Cos(alf(i)), rr + (rr - 300) * Sin(alf(i))), RGB(255, 0, 255)

    Next i

    pictime.DrawWidth = 3

    pictime.Line (rr, rr)-(rr + nhourlen * Cos(alfhour), rr + nhourlen * Sin(alfhour))

    pictime.DrawWidth = 2

    pictime.Line (rr, rr)-(rr + nminlen * Cos(alfmin), rr + nminlen * Sin(alfmin))

    pictime.DrawWidth = 1

    pictime.Line (rr, rr)-(rr + nseclen * Cos(alfsec), rr + nseclen * Sin(alfsec))

    pictime.DrawWidth = 5

    pictime.PSet (rr, rr), RGB(255, 0, 255)

    End Sub


    同时添加1个时间控件TIMER1 3个TEXT BOX 并分别命名为txtyear, txtmth ,txtday

    1个LABEL 命名为LBLTIME就可以了