

  • Annoying traffic jams and high-rise buildings in the stifling go up,so people became interested in the remote office.This also produced a new breed of Soho people - steady jobs,work at home.

    Office of the U.S.major cities are very crowded,especially in Silicon Valley and the Northeast,forcing employers to increase when employees come up with new ideas.And rental of new and expanded corporate office to office,compared to employees with computer and telephone lines and let the home office is obviously cheaper.Nortel estimates,the use of remote office methods,you can save $ 2,000 per capita per year.

    According to the International Telecommunications Association's recent study,at least 16.5 million U.S.per month from home one day,930 million people a week from home one day.It is estimated that within five years a quarter of the way Americans use the remote office.

    With the company's employees in the home with highly Internet and telephone,fax connection up in the late 1990s,the praise of people telecommuting to increase rapidly.

    But human resources experts believe that because of the lack of good management of remote office may lead to decreased productivity and erosion of team spirit.

    IBM Institute for Knowledge Management,said executive director Larry,telecommuting is entirely a failure.It means if you frequently use this office will know,because there are no rules at all,what goals you reach.Not only in the organization of ambitious people will unconditionally use the remote office.The so-called remote office to complete the formation of a new work order is a beautiful myth.

    Telecommuting is not for everyone

    In fact,part (and counting) people prefer in the office,preferring to meet daily with supervisors and colleagues.Key is a network administrator.He said,I know a lot of diehard remote office,but I like to work with others.Because I work at the computer every day,so I do not want to stay at home all day.

    In public,the company's human resource managers rarely against a remote office,but in private,some senior managers complained of human resources of the Internet age births - remote office development is too fast,too far.Most people believe that a remote office for regional sales managers and people who travel frequently.Also suitable for the work required to complete the stipulated time,but for various reasons can only be done at home to those people.

    Even people who favor recognition of a remote office,remote office receptionist for the company,senior executives need to meet with employees and the public who does not make sense.

    In an unprecedented tight labor market conditions,competition for talent is highly competitive,and often a lot of people quit.Many company managers to telecommuting as a way to attract talent as a means.But this is just a competitive strategy,Silicon Valley e-commerce company's human resources manager said,we tell all candidates who can work at home,but we hope they do not overuse this privilege,if everyone at home,the company will empty No one.

    Telecommuting is not conducive to the development of corporate culture

    Most studies suggest that telecommuting can increase productivity,funded by AT & T,a study showed that telecommuting can increase productivity 15 fold.But there are a considerable number of studies have shown that people will damage the remote office collaboration in the workplace,in the neglected parts of the productivity decline.

    Academic studies suggest that the formation of corporate culture needs to have a face to face informal exchanges.In other words,the formation and strengthening of corporate culture must be through the exchange,leaving the exchange,some of the practices and specific language will disappear.Therefore,too much emphasis on remote office is not conducive to the development of corporate culture.

    Desire for flexibility on the new generation of IT people,there may be a better solution.Companies can rent hotels,but also the establishment of telework centers to improve efficiency.This allows employees to escape the interference of washing machines and television programs,while improving efficiency in the exchange.

    In order to reduce the rent and to promote personnel exchanges between the number of software companies using video conference,the company installed a large screen in the conference room,regular meetings,so far away from meeting each other through the exchange of staff.