Totally distinct from the English Cuckoo as to size,color,ha


  • 这是一篇说明文,描述了两种不同类型的杜鹃鸟,运用了对比的说明手法.所有问题都可以直接在原文中找到答案(这也是一种阅读方法).



    1.the American Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos...Distributed through parts of North and South America...

    2.题干中true前面应该有一个NOT,依据:Totally distinct from the English Cuckoo as to size, color, habits and disposition, the American Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos, both also known as "Rain Grows", are so similar in appearance and habits they are generally considered jointly.

    3.On alighting, it looks about as if dazed, then recovers and proceeds to search for its favorite repast, tent caterpillars.

    4.the Yellow-billed Cuckoo is readily identifiable in flight by the white markings on its long tail.

    5.Unlike its English counterpart, the American cuckoo does not lay its eggs in other birds' nests But constructs its own frail structures, generally placed in the fork of a tree as high as 25 feet up, so shallow that it is remarkable the eggs do not roll out more often.
