求2011年6月PRETCO-A答案 在19号前给答案者追加100分


  • 1disgusted2which3any4cutting;to be done5let go6What7would be completed8will you9poll10so a good experience二填空1by mistake 在2would not make 3does he say 4to repair 5pulled on 6has painted 7turned out 8on the way 9only take a bus 10complaint

    三阅读理解1.I was still lusting in my heart after other ladies2.from 1960 to 19693.illness caused by her job….4 it denied her any clerical support5 are given work that they are unable to do1 tell the nature of life learning2 no complaints from the employee occur 3 produces slow students with poor memories

    4 clear about why to learn 5 could prevent one from running risks

    1 When they should mend the hole.

    2 had one of his legs broke

    3 they owned the whole bridge

    4 making fun of me

    5the place of a possible explosion


    moment of leaving离开的那一刻by accident 偶然

    at all events 无论如何 on one's honor 以名誉担保

    pay attention to 注意 play musical instrument 演奏乐器hold a meting 举行会议 meet one's needs满足要求out of touch不联系,不接触 slip one's mind 忘记


    1These men tended to view their……

    2concerned when they were occasionally…….

    3prefer not remembering……

    4and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away……

    5These men tended to view their nightly……


    1开始的时候 学生发现很难适应新学校



