mary is tall.改成否定句,句意不变怎么写
Mary isn't tall . ( is not 缩写成 isn't )
有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)
today is hot改否定句,句意不变.怎么改?
Tommy's hat is smart(改成否定句,句意不变) 答:
Totay is hot.(改为否定句,句意不变)?
he can draw a tree变否定句保持句意不变怎么改
my father has a pen .改为否定句 that is a big apple 改为否定句,句意不变
This is a little animal 改为否定句,句意不变,(1):This___
look at my mouth,it's big .(改成否定句,句意不变)
Mary does the housework.怎么改成否定句?
This apple is sweet.改成否定句,意思不变
My hair is short(改成否定句,意思不变)