some sentences from a consulting company,how do you translat


  • smaller process batches = 较小批量处理

    smallest tansfer batches = 最小运输批量

    rough-cut 粗略的

    rough-cut capacity planning to detect and prevent emergence of new operations CCR(capacity-constrained resource) = 粗略的产能规划来侦测并且预防新作业带来的问题 (这里的作业 operation 指的可以是新机器,或新的工序.)

    selling market offer to wider market = 把已经上市的产品推向更广的市场

    Elimination of added value in WIP and FG inventory = 消除在制品与成品库存成本

    WIP == work in progress == 在制品 (尚未完成的产品)

    FG = finished goods = 成品