请翻译成英文.侯经理你好: 感谢贵公司及您对我司的大力支持,深表感谢.利比亚轧机要求我已阅读完毕,现有几点不清楚之处,诚


  • Hello,manager Hou

    Thanks for your esteemed company and your support to our company ,sincere thanks.I have readed Libyan rolling mill's requirements,and want to confirm the existing points not clear with you:

    1.What material is the mill rolling for; common steel,high quality steel ,stainless steel or special steel?

    2.What form is rolling in ; strip,profiles,wire,or a bar?

    3.The material thickness,width,billet rolling speed.

    4.The thickness of the finished product,and is there rolling tolerance requirements?

    5.Please let us know thickness equipment is choosing X rays or gamma rays?

    Note:due to China's ministry of public security management of radioactive material strictly ,t herefore does not provide thickness equipment,users should bring along their own .Our company will take charge of the drawings.

    Let us know the above items please,so that we can make a specific technical solution.

    Best wishes