高一英语作文限今天晚7点.you are going to write an article for a newspap


  • 忠诚小狗苦守三轮车中一个月等来主人(今天的一则网易新闻)成都一名独居老人把电动三轮车送修后,竟忘记了修车铺的地址.一个月来老人不断寻找而不获.三轮车内忠诚的小狗为了等主人来接,苦苦守在车中一个月,靠好心人施舍食物才存活下来.在记者的帮助下,老人终于找回小狗,于是有了以下感人一幕

    Loyal dog:a month's waitting for its host

    A old man living alone in Chendu sent his electric tricycle for repair a month ago.But he forgot the address of the repair store and could not found it.There was a little dog locked in the tricycle.It stayed with the tricycle,not allowing strangers getting close.And some warm-hearted people sent some food to the dog.At last,with the help of the correspondent,the old man found his dog.They enbraced together at the sight of each other.What a moving scene!