汉译英,一段影评看《撞车》的时候,更多的看到了导演想要表现的美国种族歧视的问题. 影片走了一个反应美国现实中困扰人们的种


  • See "Crash" when the director wants to see more of the performance of US racial discrimination.

    Videos take a real response to US racial problems plagued the people,but to the movie leave a lot of promising leads,the end is not so much clever as it is a compromise.We can know a crash is not just with "racial discrimination" can be described in clear film.I believe the screenwriter and the director realize it was in the cultural area of inequality Hu Zhe Zhong Bu Pingdeng for life Ying Xiang Ren Men,videos of the exciting life of the office Ye Zaiyuyixie Xi Jie in the Biaoxianchulai of Xianxiangjiqi nature of metaphor.If the race issue,white film really reflects the contradiction with the black people,as well as white and black people together with the Asian conflict,but the film also appeared,such as French-speaking Puerto Ricans,have almost Assimilation of blacks by whites,etc.,between these people 's problem is not skin color discrimination can be understood.More likely would involve cultural aspects of the.

    Rethinking the power embodied in the cultural field hegemonic position.Have the power to even change the cultural differences,the director is not want to express such a thought.Look at the black on white police supervisor reprimanded,he is a recognition of cultural differences,but he thought that change based on the difference in power,he was white police said a black man in this position today,I want to do is not easy,You can not with you some thoughts on the race so let us both future are gone .This phrase itself is a great contradiction,the meaning of black police officers as blacks being discriminated against is normal,is also not your white to manage,while blacks turn over not by the people to change their thinking,social change in the original Mechanism ,But to adapt themselves to the black community,then do have the power,and then be able to change their fate,the black police officer recognizes his own as the fact that blacks are not equal treatment,but do not want to change this Equal .

    In the cultural wave,the inequality is not some people get the power to be able to solve,and we just hope that this will gradually disappear.