2篇英语作文假如你是Li Hua,请根据以下要求就几天前发生的事写一封信.1.第一次见外国人,对蓝眼金发好奇以致失礼.2



    Hello.A few days ago,because I was the first foreigner to see,so very rude to stare at your blue eyes and golden hair,I am very sorry.But you are not angry,blame me,I patiently explained to the Western custom,for inviting me to your house guest.Very sorry,and I thank you.

    LI HUA


    First,you should prepare some gifts,a box of chocolate is the best choice.Remember to praise the masters of the dishes after meals and not to stay too long.Finally,you have to thank once again for the owner.(首先,你应该准备一些礼物,一盒巧克力是最好的选择.记得要称赞主人的饭菜,并且饭后不要逗留太长时间.最后,你要再次对主人进行感谢.)
