aroud MR Sun住在一个被绿树环绕的房子里
Mr Sun lives in a white house with green trees all a_____ it
The Greens live in a house() tall trees all around.AofBforCw
为什么这里用“ it”He lives in a house with big trees all around it.
People like to live in a house______ green trees around it.
The greens live in a house____windows are painted white.A.wh
I lived in a house() by a lot of all trees.
对划线部分提问i live in a house with many trees around it 这个句子 with
Mr.Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife
mr brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife
It all starts with a tree.In fact, it starts with several tr
mrs green hopes to have a house with a beautiful g_____