

  • 刚看到你的问题,迟复为歉!现提供自译的短文仅供参考:

    Our teacher of English is a moddle-aged woman, who has been teaching English for more than twenty years and has been awarded the title of "Model teacher" many times for her hard work. Toward us, she is both kind and strict. To make her lessons interesting and vividly, she often gives slide shows and teaches English songs. Loving her students and her work, she always gives us as much help as possible. For example, when what we do in class can not satisfy her, she encourages us spend more time reading and speaking English after class rather than criticises us. Though she is very busy with her lessons, she helps us to perform short English plays with great patience as if she is a friend of ours. Being really our friend, she deserves our love and respect.

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