完成句子 小题1:现在政府已经把它变成了一个公园。Now the ___________ has __________


  • 小题1:government turned / changed into

    小题2:had an interview with

    小题3:couldn’t stop taking photos

    小题4:pleasant / delightful meaningful experience

    小题5:My cousin has been in Beijing for a month.

    小题6:They were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones at that time.

    小题1:此题重点考察短语change/turn into表示把…变成…

    小题2:此题重点考察短语had an interview with表示采访某人

    小题3:此题重点考察短语couldn’t stop doing sth表示情不自禁作某事


    小题5:此题重点考察短语have been in 表示在某地呆多久

    小题6:此题重点考察短语be in a great hurry to do表示匆匆忙忙作某事。