翻译成英文摘要:椴六点天蛾近年来在湛江地区发生严重,是发财树(Pachira macrocarpa)主要食叶害虫.本文通


  • Lime six moths in Zhanjiang in recent years serious, is a money tree (Pachira macrocarpa) main leaf-eating insects. Laboratory rearing and forestry investigation by this method studied its morphology and biological characteristics, and make recommendations for prevention. Results indicates that, eggs period about 6 days, larvae by 6 a age period, total about 46 days, pupa period about 24 days; the insect to pupa wintering, next year March early began feather unearthed, May mid-reached feather, and mating, and spawning peak; from 3 age larvae began differentiation for light blue green type, and Green Green type, and yellow green type, and yellow type, and orange type 5 species body color type.椴六点天蛾近年来在湛江地区发生严重,是发财树(Pachira macrocarpa)主要食叶害虫.本文通过实验室饲养和林地调查的方法研究了其形态特征和生物学特性,并提出了防治建议.结果表明,卵期约6天,幼虫经6个龄期,共约46天,蛹期约24天;该虫以蛹越冬,翌年3月上旬开始羽化出土,5月中旬达到羽化、交尾、产卵高峰期;从3龄幼虫开始分化为淡蓝绿色型、青绿色型、黄绿色型、黄色型、橙色型5种体色型.


