谁知道这个英语怎么写? 1我能正确区分get...into trouble和be in trouble 在句子中的用法;


  • 1.get ...into trouble表示陷入麻烦之中,强调动作,be in trouble表示陷在麻烦之中,强调状态.2.wonder:v.1).to think about sth and decide what is true,what will happen,what you should do,etc.(想知道,想弄明白) 例句:i wonder who she is.2)to be very surprised by sth(感到诧异,非常奇怪) 例句:she wondered at her own stupidity.她没想到自己竟会这样愚蠢.n.a feeling of surprise and admiration that you have when you see or experience sth beautiful,unusual or unexpected.(惊讶,惊奇,惊叹) 例句:There was a look of wonder in his eyes.a number of:a quantity of people or things.(=some)一些 例句:A number of people have left.play a trick on:to trick sb for amusement(捉弄,戏弄) 例句:Sally played a thrik on me.3.it is really kind of you to help us.=it is really kind for you to help us.4.succeed v.达到目的,实现目标 例句:our plan succeeded.successful adj.有成效的,有成就的 例句:they were successful in winning the contract.successfully adv.(意同successful,词性不同) success n.成功,胜利 例句:what's your secret of success?